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Treatment of TMJ Disorder

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What is TMJ?

The TMJ (temporomandibular joints) are located in front of each ear. These joints connect the lower jaw to the skull. The muscles controlling the joints are attached to the lower jaw and work together to provide the jaw with the three main movements; vertical, horizontal and forward and back.

These are the only joints in the human body that work together as a unit, making it very complicated. To keep these motions working smoothly, a soft tissue disc lies between to absorb the shock to the joint from chewing and other movements. When the working unit cannot function as normal, we encounter some issues. This is known as TMJ disorder.

What is TMJ disorder?

TMJ disorders are conditions that affect the TMJ specifically. TMJ disorders are a broad category with a range of possible symptoms and causes which can lead to varying amounts of discomfort including persistent pain around the jaw and restricted jaw movement.

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Symptoms of TMJ

  • Jaw pain
    • One of the most common obvious symptoms of a TMJ disorder is pain when moving the jaw in any of the 3 directions.
  • Headaches, backaches and earaches
  • Sounds
    • A common, painless symptom of popping or clicking can occur whilst eating, talking, or simply opening the mouth.
  • Restricted movement
    • Limited movement or locked jaw is one of the more severe symptoms, which can cause patient's severe discomfort

Treatment of TMJ disorder

There are many causes of TMJ disorder and as such, a variety of treatment options available. Some can be as simple and conservative as at home exercises, lifestyle changes or physical therapy.

Treatments like TMJ splints or night guards can help guide the jaw into the correct position and reduce clenching of teeth. In some cases, Orthodontic treatment may be recommended to improve the alignment of the teeth and jaw. TMJ disorder treatment is tailored to the individual's specific symptoms and may involve collaboration between one or more professionals.


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